
I'm on a boat!

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOvaCV6uQp8 Do it now!

I was in a club in Songtan and they played this song... everyone was dancing, and I was like... are you serious? The songs about being on a boat! Little did I (and probably everyone else) know that its a big joke. Funny how you can throw good rhythm at a song and make it a hit. My awesome, ridiculously awesome brother sent me the video... it all came together.

Also someone who proves this fact; (Disclaimer: Naked Gunther Butt!)

Gunther was a find while researching for much of Moustache March, Aviator April, and the upcoming Moustache de Mayo.

Anyhoo, went to the BX, bought a shirt, picked up my suit, bought another shirt. Ate a personal pan pizza at pizza hut.

Well, go find yourselves a boat!


Here comes a new post!

Today is my birfday, well, yesterday was my birfday, which in dog years makes me... 168. Maybe.

Well well well, what have I been up to... Work work work. I have absolutely nothing interesting to say. Maybe that's why i don't blog. I dunno. I wish that I had the excellent prose for articulating musings like my super-mother, or an interesting life like my darling wife.

I think for now, I will stick to an interpretation of an underlying element of the story in the movie Fight Club. If you haven't seen the movie (shame on you), I'm gonna drop some spoilers. I will also drop some Mad Science, which is a snow ninja skill they teach in the academy.

There is a part of the movie where the Narrator (Edward Norton (Herein referred to as "N")) beats the living tar out of the blonde guy. He really knocks the crap out of him, to the point that all the others in the club are staring silently in shock at N's display of violence.

N thinks to himself: I felt like putting a bullet in between the eyes of every panda that wouldn't screw to save its own species...

Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt("T")) asks, "When did you go psycho boy?"
N replies, "I felt like destroying something beautiful."

Now, if you're familiar with the story, lets go back, just prior to that nights fight club. N, T, and the rest of Project Mayhem go and do some dirty work to further thier cause. On thier getaway, N sees T congratulating the blonde guy and ignoring N. N says that he felt abandoned, like how he felt about his dad.

Take a second to think about how I just related that. There is nowhere in the movie that just comes out and says it, but it seems as plain as day doesn't it? N was jealous of the blonde guy, felt betrayed by T, and severely took it out on blondie. But to look deeper into N's psyche, you also need to understand that T is everything that N wants to be. We know this because of the nature of Tyler Durden. We know that Tyler Durden is both Ed Norton and Brad Pitt. But T is a figment of N's imagination developed to help him cope with his own excessive inhibitions.

I'll summarize. N knocked the snot out of blondie because he was angry at T for abandoning him, and jealous of his affection towards blondie. He was angry at his imaginary friend for ignoring him for someone else, and beat up that someone else for it!

Lets go even further back into the movie (and N's psyche). Early in the movie, N and T are talking about thier fathers, and how they were raised. T makes a comment about how they grow up thier whole lives following in thier fathers footsteps to become more of the establishment that T is against. Do your homework, go to college, get a job, get married, have kids. T says no thank you to that, while N pauses to consider. T adds that all that life will get you is for you to replace your father.

Time to get sauer on some kraut: Remember how I said that N felt abandoned, like he did with his dad when T ditched him for blondie? N is replacing his father in this role with T, who is, by the way, not only his imaginary friend, but a manifestation of everything that he wants to be. In effect, N had replaced his father in his mind with how he wishes he was, and in that one action that he projected Tyler Durden on....Tyler Durden. And then he got upset about it!

Basically, at the end of the story, if you look at it this way, is Brad Pitt really the bad guy? Or just Ed Norton's thoughts running wildly through a separate personality that acts in the physical realm?

While you're thinking about that, listen to Cream's Sunshine, and then listen to Tales of the Ulysses back to back. They're basically the same song as far as chord progression goes. Off the top of my head, its something like D, C, G and then a different kind of turnaround... on "Sunshine," its an A#-C, and on "Tales of the Ulysses" its something lower.... possibly an E? I don't know, maybe an F, I would need my guitar to figure it out.

Still playing guitar in my head...even if I can't play with my fingies.

That's it for today!