

It's time to post a new blog, aren't you excited? Huh, aren't ya?

Ok, first off, why does the internet think that aren't isn't a word?

I digress. Happy Father's Day!
Everybody loves Father's Day, its a time when fathers are appreciated for stuff and get bad greeting cards, usually with tools on the front, and a pseudo-witty saying inside. I don't believe in greeting cards personally, I think they're a waste of paper, and why don't you just say what you mean yourself? Slacker. You don't need a monkey chained to a typewriter to write a greeting for one of your loved ones!

Just like the best gifts are gifts that people can use!!! Now, expand your thinking on this, we're not just talking about practicality, but things that people need and will enjoy. A piece of art, DVD boxed set, tools, a Van Halen CD...

I'm on another Van Halen kick. It happens about once a year. I don't know what it is. I think Eddie is a great guitar player, but I'm just not really into it all the time. I will probably be working out tonight listening to 'Panama' and 'Ain't talkin bout' Love' all night though.

Well, what's the rundown of my time?
Sleep, PT, work, gym, sleep.

On the weekends I sleep, eat pizza, play guitar, and play poker on Sunday night.
Now you know why my blogs are always about something, and not the interesting things I do.
Truth is, I don't really do anything interesting. Well, I take that back...

Let's see, I did an organizational tour of the ROKAF's side of the base we are at. That was interesting, well, for me, I'm sure anyone else would have been bored out of their minds. It was cool though, we walked through their hangars and looked at their stuff. The best part was at the end though, when they fed us. I just about ate my body weight in kimchi. They also had fried chicken, rice, hor de'oeurves (wow, the internet didn't try to correct me on that... is it right? did I seriously just spell hor de'oeurves right?) , various fried things vegetables, shrimp, octopus, unknown meat product. That was great. I ate a lot. They gave us beer too, but since I had to go into work later I gave mine to my Chief. And by gave I mean he took when I wasn't looking.

Yep. Drinking seems to be a large part of Korean culture. At the end of the day they told us that they were out of alcohol so they were calling it a day. They also told us that we would have been drinking soju, but they were in mourning because of the former president's death.

I got Forza 2 for the xbox yesterday, I didn't realize that it's such an old game, but I guess it is. Anyhoo, I started playing it last night, and will probably continue playing it today. It sounds like it's raining outside. I plan on going to the gym today, but probably when everyone has gone out to party...my roomate will probably-

Oh wow, I just realized... hmm, this will require a little backstory...

Hokay, at about 645 this morning, we got a knock at the door. "Is Ken up? We need someone to play softball."

Uh... ok? So my roomate filled an empty spot on the softball team(yeah, we have a softball team, it's more ridiculous than it sounds.), and I was awake until about 8. Anyway, I just realized that since it is raining cats and dogs out here, the game will probably get rained out. I don't know if it's one of those games where they have to stay the night wherever they are, but that would be crappy to sub in on a team, not get to play, and have to stay at an Army base in strangeland.

Well, that's all for today folks.

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